
Your Resources

This list is made for you to use in the most creative ways. Sometimes you don't know where to even get started, well... this list should be a great start.

December 18th Session

We went through the UI (User Interface) Screens in Sketch. The link below will direct you to the Whimsical website where you can view the screens during the development stage.

Graphic Design

Flow Code - Free to use in creating a QR Code. Generate a QR code for the app website.

Pinterest - Great source of inspiration for all matters of design

Dribbble - 2nd best resource for graphic design.

World Vector Logo - When you see logos on a website under the "customers" or "partners" page, they are getting the logos from here.

Sketch App Sources - templates to building parts of a mobile app or website. Nobody starts from scratch.

Freepik - Top resource from graphic design templates. Logos, flyers, social media posts, it is endless and updated by the industries top designers.

Flaticon - Partner site of the one above. This is the number spot for freelance designers to get icons for mobile apps and websites.

Colors Muz - Color combination generator and samples

Color Gradients - modern designs have gradients as part of the primary color combinations. This generator lets you create your own or grab a sample from a previous company.

Fonts in the Wild - Top resource in the design industry for finding trending fonts

Gif Maker - use multiple images or a video to create an original gif. Then post it on Giphy for everyone to use.

UnSplash - When you need HD photos for free and not worry about a lawsuit, this is the place. They only require you give photo credit somewhere on the website or app.

Online/Social Media Marketing

Hubspot Academy

Facebook Learn

Google Skillshop

College is becoming a thing of the past when they decide if you are right for the job in the tech world. The major companies have decided to create their own FREE universities to gain the best talent. These resources are completely FREE and give you a certificate to show you have completed. If you have ever wanted to know how to get into Google, Facebook, or become a marketer for a company... these links will put you FAR AHEAD of a person that studied it for 4 years.

Google My Business - Currently the top factor for ranking a business or organization on Google.

Google Trends - Find trends around the globe and how many specific people are searching/interested in that keyword or phrase. It also allows you to compare it to different variations of the phrase.

Constant Contact


Web Design

GoDaddy - Purchase domains and hosting here. Good for starters.

Bluehost - Purchase domains and hosting from here. The most popular and fastest growing company in the web hosting business.

Google Domains - A new program Google offers to buy special domains. Domains usually end in .com or .org. Google allows you to use .DC, .App, and so many others on the end of your domain. This is just to purchase the name of the site. To host the site on the internet they recommend Bluehost.

WordPress - The most used website builder to date. Great for the creative person that doesn't want to learn coding for websites.
Webflow - The fastest growing and advanced website builder. Includes build in animations.

Google Analytics - Shows the stats behind your site. For example, male vs female, the device they use and the city they are from.

Theme Forest - The number one resource for WordPress web design templates.
ReCaptcha - This is the small checkbox you see for security on a website.
SEO Site Checkup - check how strong a website is doing for SEO (search engine optimization). Google, Bing, and other search engines.

Mobile Moxie - This allows you to test websites on multiple devices.

Techsini - This also allows you to test websites on multiple devices.

Mobile Apps

Android Developer - For $25 a year you can post apps, music and podcasts in the Google Play Store for all android devices.

Apple Developer - For $99 per year you can have an account to post iphone/ipad, appletv, apple watch apps and even apple music/podcasts.

Github - The NUMBER 1 platform for people to share code. Instead of starting an app from scratch, you can find pieces of code here and mix them to build your own app.

Firebase - Used to store information behind apps. Like user information, posts, and ads. Also used for app notifications.

Amazon Web Services - Used to store information behind apps. Like user information, posts, and ads.

Threed - Use this after creating the screens/look of the app. This is great for showing clients of others what the app looks like in a phone. The industry calls this a mockup.

Creative Content

Answer The PublicFind some of the most trending questions and topics for you to use.

GiphyUpload or use custom gifs.

Geo Tag Image - Use this to tag locations or areas to images. This helps your search engine results.

Good Email Copy - Top companies share their emails that they send to customers and clients. You can find that collection here to adjust to be your own.

Get Subly - add subtitles to your videos

Facebook Creator Studio - Facebook and IG scheduler for the average person, and it also shows page stats.

Grammarly - Checks the grammar and spelling of everything you write and type.

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